Taman Negara . The Map . The Guide . Traveller Tips . LianSiew, Hazel and Nina . Home

alive for 130 million years

picture of fern leaf
picture of fern leaf
Covering an area of 4343 sq km, Malaysia's oldest national park is the largest protected swatch of primary rainforest on the peninsula.

First established as a preservation area in 1937, Taman Negara is now part wildlife haven and part holiday resort. As one of the last bastions of ecological wonder, Taman Negara is surprisingly accessible. To date, the drawbacks have been numerous. Delicate eco-systems at the Park are slowly being overwhelmed, for obvious reasons, by the high influx of eco-tourists each year.

Serious wildlife and intricate plant species are much easier to spot at the more remote areas. However, the Park is a very big place, and even civilisation cannot invade beyond certain confines.

WebNote : This site contains my personal opinion. All information is based on my own search, and I hope to locate more interesting bits soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Taman Negara . The Map . The Guide . Traveller Tips . LianSiew, Hazel and Nina . Home

A Nomad Site
[October 14, 1997]